
I am on a trial

I have some subordinates who are problematic. The one is always late for time, and the other has no ears to listen to and sticks to her own way. I want to wait and see for a while but the nature of my job and my boss are not waiting so long. They are adults enough over 25, and I understand they have their own philosophy for their lives. It seems difficult for them to change them.


Cherry Blossom

Here is a photo of the view from my room. This cherry blossom tree has grown so big.


What will you do if you are free?

One of my friends was recently fired because of this world recession. It is not the other people's matter. I have thought my job could have been stable, but media has been influenced by the Internet. Now, people can obtain their own media when they want to publish.

Now I ask to myself. What will you do when you are told firing?
My answer will be... travelling abroad, looking for another job related to volunteerism. I want to put myself in the circumstance which provide the luxury of life... understand the meaning of life and confident with myself.

It is important to stand on the basement which can be trusted by myself. Say, I want to live with the feeling that I am doing the right thing.