
Talk at a party

I was invited an official party which had a dress code recently. There were many people who were almost the same generation, and most of them were bureaucrats, bankers, and people who worked for governmental organisation.

After the party, some of us went to a restaurant to get to know each other. One guy started talking journalists' "privilege". I am a journalist, and he knew about it. He said "Journalists always talk about the bad side of things, but I am wondering how about them. Say, how many journalists did bad things and apologise them officially?"

I am used to have this type of conversation. I know that people feel a certain level of frustration toward media or journalists, and I can imagine I would say similar things if I am not a journalist. However, I know that this sort of topic is not suitable for a party, or gathering especially the first meeting.

I replied to him with saying "Journalist are the same with people, of course, and some are actually arrested because of bad behaviour". He kept showing his frustration to me.

When I visited some home parties, I was asked about the reality of a media company. Most of them say "I have not read newspapers for a long time" "Why do you decide to work for a media company?" "What will happen when you make a mistake?"... Whenever I was at these situation, I began to feel that I was a representative of media to excuse those questions. I once hesitated to visit those parties even I was invited.

Now I have grown up a little and I can manage those questions. I mean, I can be calm and answer my own feeling with sincereness. Simply, I want to enjoy parties, and to be honest, I want to talk more interesting things separated from work... which is difficult to exercise.