
Michael Jackson, the real message was a fight with the self

It is reported that Michael Jackson has passed away. I listen to his music now, and never imagined I would cry until I feel my tears on my cheek. It is midnight here, and I finally get his strong messages through his music.

My favorite song is "Man in the mirror". If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself then make a change... It is a song about the fight with the self, "a victim of selfish kind of love". We, or at least I tend to think of myself or my interest at first. But he sang we could not pretend not to see anymore, and try to look at serious problems in this world and start something for our own speed.

A several years later, he released a song "Will you be there?" and his cry was "I'm only human". People tell like a man need to be faithful, and fight till the end. Of course, people tend to make mistakes, and he repeatedly cried I'm only human. I can imagine how big he got pressure from inside to outside.

He understands a person should look at oneself, and keep asking to change. But his circumstances were tough enough to beat him mentally and physically. Both songs provides sentimental thoughts. Rest in peace.