
Please Do It at Home

This is an ad on the wall of subway station in Tokyo. It says "Please do it at home".
The number of women who make themselves up in the train.
It is generally considered as shameless behavior among people before.
I talked this topic with my friends before. One of them said,
"women have become busier than before, so people should take in consideration this point".
What do you think when one guy starts to shave? I personally think it is a matter of manner. Or a matter of one's definition of disgraceful behavior. Those who do their faces tend to say "I am not hurting anybody, so why people can criticise my behavior?" And I understand there is an opinion like "simply, what's the problem?"
Some people start eating, some listen to music loudly, and I know some talk over their phone even train companies set a rule not to do it. The elderly people say they cannot believe women starts making up according to Japanese culture. It may be up to ourselves to think what kind of behavior is "matured".